- aircraft pavement
- аэродромное покрытие
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
aircraft load rating — Number expressing the relative structural loading effect of an aircraft on a pavement. ALRs are expressed on a scale from 1 (least demanding aircraft) to 12 (most demanding aircraft). ALRs have been assigned to present day aircraft at their… … Aviation dictionary
Pavement Classification Number — The Pavement Classification Number (PCN) is an International Civil Aviation Organization standard used in combination with the Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) to indicate the strength of a runway, taxiway or airport ramp (or apron). This… … Wikipedia
pavement classification number — A number expressing the bearing strength of a pavement for unrestricted operation (ICAO). PCNs are calculated in terms of a standard single wheel load. The values of PCNs for runways and other operating areas are published in relevant aerodrome… … Aviation dictionary
aircraft classification number — A number expressing the relative effect of an aircraft on pavement for a specified standard subgrade category (ICAO). Pavement refers to runways or operating areas. Using this method, it is possible to express the effect of individual aircraft on … Aviation dictionary
aircraft tiedown — Positions on the ground surface that are available for securing aircraft. Mooring rings are normally provided in the pavement for this purpose. Picketing blocks may be used for light aircraft where tiedown points are not available. Picketing… … Aviation dictionary
pavement grooving — The mechanical serration of a pavement surface to provide paths for water and slush to promote improved aircraft mechanical braking effectiveness and reduce the possibility of aquaplaning … Aviation dictionary
Aircraft Classification Number — Die Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) (dtsch. Lastwirkungsklassifikationszahl) beschreibt, welche Belastung ein bestimmter Flugzeugtyp auf Flugbetriebsflächen ausübt. Entsprechend der Pavement Classification Number, (PCN) (dtsch.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft, 1950-1974 — This is a list of notable accidents and incidents involving military aircraft grouped by the year in which the accident or incident occurred. For more exhaustive lists, see the [http://www.baaa acro.com/ Aircraft Crash Record Office] or the [http … Wikipedia
Runway — This article is about the aircraft take off and landing area. For other uses, see Runway (disambiguation). Landing strip redirects here. For the pubic hairstyle, see Bikini waxing. RWY redirects here. For the audio/video connectors, see RCA… … Wikipedia
airport — airport1 /air pawrt , pohrt /, n. a tract of land or water with facilities for the landing, takeoff, shelter, supply, and repair of aircraft, esp. one used for receiving or discharging passengers and cargo at regularly scheduled times. [1915 20;… … Universalium
Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/L–R — Dies ist der vierte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K … Deutsch Wikipedia